Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

POD Accounts – Are they insured?

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

Naturally, if there weren’t a question, I wouldn’t be writing this post. :O) Many, many people became concerned after the recent ANB Financial failure. So I figured I would provide some clarifications and hopefully helpful information. Here is the info from the FDIC (bolding added by me). POD accounts are insured up to $100,000 per [Read More…]

No More NoFollow

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

For many, this post may not mean much, but for others it will.? Search Engines, especially Google, have encouraged bloggers and webmasters to label links as “nofollow” if they are paid.? This basically tells the search engine to not give weight to that link. Many blogging software programs also incorporated it when people leave comments.? [Read More…]

Why buy a 10-year CD?

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

Many people out there question the logic of buying 10-year CDs. And it is smart to question. Let’s examine some historical data and pose some reasons for and against. You can then make up your own mind. As this is one of our more popular posts, I have provided some updates as of 8/23/11. Current [Read More…]

Ever get an email like this

Friday, July 27th, 2007

I’m the son of a rich African farmer. My father has been assassinated and I inherited $7MM. I need to move the money out of…We need someone we can trust. Can you help us… When I get these I just delete them. THEY ARE A SCAM and you will lose lots of money if you [Read More…]

We’re Back

Monday, June 25th, 2007

Yes, we are back and survived an 815 mile, 12-hour drive. We had a great vacation. Great hikes, eating, and even a Mountain Bike adventure. I’ve updates most of our CD Rate related posts. cd :O)

Gettin’ the heck out of Dodge

Friday, June 15th, 2007

My family will be on vacation next week so don’t look for many posts, unless I can convince my wife that I need a computer fix. If you have any questions about the company or our services call 800-234-4605, my associates will certainly help.