Passing Around Some Link Love

July 8th, 2008

Still working on the newsletter. We’ve been looking at bringing on some additional products and services, and that research has been taking up quite a bit of time. Hopefully, over the next months, you will see some fruits of that.

In the meantime, here are a couple of sites you can visit. Fighting Foreclosure is looking for honest ways to earn another $900 a month to avoid having the home foreclosed. Her latest post, Book Selling Online,looks to do just that. She is a single-mom and I give her Kudos for not just walking away. She is trying to do the right thing. Take a visit and see if you can offer some suggestions.

Another Blog can be found at Clever Dude. He started in 2006 and likes to share personal finance information based on the lessons he is learning from the misktakes he made. His latest post is a book review, A Million Bucks by 30.?

Neither of these blogs contacted me. I found them during my searches around the web. I hope you enjoy them.

cd :O)

-- By Chris Duncan

3 Responses to “Passing Around Some Link Love”

  1. Dawn Says:

    Hello there!

    Thanks for mentioning Fighting Foreclosure. I appreciate the link!

  2. Administrator Says:

    You are very welcome. My wife and I know how hard it is. She was a single-mother to be. We also have friends that have been there.

    Please keep in touch.

  3. Jumbo CD Investments - CD Rates Blog » Passing Around Some Link Love « Bank CD Says:

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