3-Year CDs

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We’ve helped thousands of institutional and individual investors invest over $12.99 billion in CDs.

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Pentagon Federal Credit Union1.510%
Alliant Credit Union1.250%
CIT Bank1.210%
Ally Bank1.200%
Apple Federal Credit Union0.800%
North American Savings Bank0.700%
SunTrust Bank0.650%
VIBE Credit Union0.500%

Rates updated: 10/01/2013

Note: Clicking on a highlighted institutions name takes you to the bank review we posted. Not all featured rates have a completed review.

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Below is a graph I produced to show average rates from the top 30 banks, nationwide.

Average Retail CD Rates for the Week of June 25, 2012

Link to Interactive Graph

Jumbo CD Investments, Inc. (Google+)

How Far Do Rates Need to Rise?

You can see there is quite a spread between the short and long-term CDs still. I will probably end up putting these in their own pages or posts. But for now I will feature a few here.

So let’s say you are considering a 1-year or a 3-year. The 1-year is a 0.90% and the 3-year is a 1.25%. If you opt for the 1-year, rates a year from now would need to be a 1.60%, just to make up the difference. In the short-term, a rise like that seems very unlikely.